86.ltd User Agreement

This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement") is a legal agreement between you (hereinafter referred to as "User" or "you") and us regarding the use of our website and services. Please read this Agreement carefully before registering and using our services.

I. Acceptance of the Agreement

  1. Scope of Services: This Agreement applies to all services we provide, including but not limited to Allchn, Chnall, Transcfg, or other integrated services.

  2. User Conduct: By registering an account, using the services of this website, or conducting transactions, users are deemed to have read, understood, and agreed to accept the constraints of this Agreement.

II. Account Registration and Management

  1. Registration Requirements: Users must fill in truthful and accurate personal information as required by the website and update the information promptly to ensure its authenticity and completeness.

  2. Account Security: Users should keep their account and password secure and must not transfer or authorize others to use their account. If the account is used without authorization or encounters security issues, please contact us immediately.

    • Password Security: Users should create strong passwords and avoid using easily guessable combinations.

    • Account Recovery: If you forget your password or discover unauthorized use, please use the account recovery function provided by the website or contact customer service.

III. Service Content

  1. Cross-border Shopping and Purchasing: We provide cross-border shopping and purchasing services, helping foreign users to buy goods or services, and providing logistics and delivery services.

  2. Translation Tool Services: We provide translation software services to help users translate text or voice content, but do not guarantee the accuracy of the translations.

IV. User Rights and Obligations

  1. Legal Use: Users must comply with applicable laws and regulations when using the services of this website and must not use the services to engage in illegal activities or infringe on the legal rights of others.

  2. Accuracy of Information: Users should ensure that the information provided is truthful and accurate, and must not post false or misleading content.

  3. Code of Conduct: Users must not use the website services to engage in the following behaviors:

    • Posting or disseminating illegal, obscene, pornographic, violent, or infringing content;

    • Sending spam or malicious information;

    • Damaging, tampering with website data, or interfering with the normal operation of the website.

    • Consequences: Users who violate the above code of conduct will face account suspension or permanent ban and may bear legal responsibility.

V. Service Fees and Payments

  1. Service Fees: Certain services of this website may charge fees, and the specific fee standards will be clearly displayed on the relevant service page or order.

    • Fee Adjustments: We reserve the right to adjust the fee standards and will notify users in advance.

  2. Payment Methods: Users can pay through the payment methods designated by the website. Users agree to pay the service fees and bear any related costs arising from the payment process.

    • Refund Policy: If the service cannot be provided due to our reasons, users are entitled to apply for a refund. Refund requests must be submitted within 30 days after the service issue occurs and must provide relevant proof materials.

VI. Privacy Protection

  1. Information Collection: We collect, use, and protect users' personal information. For details, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

  2. Information Use: We commit to using user information legally and reasonably, and will not disclose or provide user information to third parties without user consent, unless permitted by law or authorized by the user.

    • Privacy Policy Summary: For a summary of how we collect and use information, please see Privacy Policy Summary.

VII. Disclaimers

  1. Service Provision: We will make every effort to provide users with stable and secure services but do not take responsibility for service interruptions or errors caused by force majeure or third-party reasons.

  2. Information Accuracy: We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of information on third-party websites other than our own. Users should bear the risk of using third-party website information.

VIII. Intellectual Property

  1. Ownership: The intellectual property rights of the website and its content belong to us. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or dissemination of website content is prohibited.

  2. User Content: The intellectual property rights of the text, images, videos, and other content posted by users when using the services belong to the users. Users grant us the right to reasonably use and display such content.

IX. Modification and Termination of the Agreement

  1. Right to Modify: We have the right to modify this Agreement based on actual circumstances and will inform users through website announcements or notifications.

  2. Termination of Services: If users violate the provisions of this Agreement, we have the right to immediately terminate or restrict the user's right to use the services and reserve the right to pursue legal responsibility.

  1. Applicable Law: The formation, execution, and interpretation of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of China.

  2. Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising from this Agreement should be resolved through friendly negotiations between both parties. If negotiations fail, either party can bring a lawsuit to the court where you are located.

    • Alternative Dispute Resolution: Before litigation, both parties may consider resolving disputes through mediation or arbitration.

XI. Contact Us

If you have any questions, opinions, or complaints about this Agreement, please contact us through the following contact information: